Dharma, Pride in India & Action

Power of EducationWhat Swamiji achieved in a span of 39 years is comparable to what
Shankara, Gnaneshwar and Jesus achieved in the limited time they spent
on earth. Swamiji met his master Ramkrishna in 1881 at the age of 18.
The intense interaction lasted only 5 years. With his Guru’s grace and
blessing he embarked on a trail blazing mission that impacted millions
Swami Vivekanand was a keen observer of the human mind and society
He was rational and logical in his thinking. His approach was scientific and
backed with deep conviction from the knowledge of the scriptures.
His message to his fellow Indians “Arise! Awake! Stop not till the goal
is reached!”
The message electrified the nation then. It is relevant even today as India
is rapidly moving up the global ladder, not just in terms of GDP & economic
clout but also on Spiritual Values, Yoga, Meditation and the power of
Dharma. He was proud of India and had the courage and boldness to
declare to the world about the greatness of Hindu philosophy and religion.
His speech in Chicago in 1893 World Parliament religion opened the eyes
of the West to the depth of Indian civilisation and Hinduism. His message
to Indians was to Focus on Dharma (Righteous Duty). This is the only
characteristic that distinguishes man from animal.

Power of Education
One hundred & twenty five years back he realised the importance of education to empower people. “Is education worth its name if it does not enable the common mass of people and equip them for the struggle for life, if it does not bring out strength of character, philanthropy, and the courage of a lion?” he once lectured. Education should shape students’ personalities and instill human values and character–building in them. Swami Vivekananda rightly said, “Education is not the amount of information that we put into your brain and run riot there, undigested all your life but we must have life building, man making, character building, assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you are more educated than a man who has got by heart a whole library.” Under the leadership of former ISRO Chairman Kasturirangan the New Education Policy of India inculcates most of Swamiji’s inputs. If implemented successfully this can transform the education model of the country.
India’s glorious history – something to be proud of

He believed in India’s ability to guide and lead. He said,
“When the real history of India will be unearthed, it will be proved that, as in matters of religion, so in fine arts, India is the primal Guru of the whole world”.
And further,
“History itself bears testimony to the fact. All the soul-elevating ideas and the different branches of knowledge that exist in the world are found on proper investigation to have their roots in India”.
He was aware that India was fragmented and divided. This came in the way of her rise. He was convinced that India should end her fragmentation,
“For our national welfare, India must gather up of its scattered spiritual forces. India must be a union of those whose hearts beat to the same spiritual tune."
He was a staunch believer in action.
He placed service at the core of one’s actions,
"If I had a thousand lives, every moment of the whole series would be consecrated to your service, my countrymen, my friends."
“I have given you advice enough; now put at least something in practice. Let the world see that your reading of the scriptures and listening to me has been a success”.
“Jnâna, Bhakti, Yoga and Karma—these are the four paths which lead to salvation. One must follow the path for which one is best suited; but in this age special stress should be laid on Karma-Yoga”.
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. This is the way to success.”
How can a man and a nation become great? His recipe was simple but profound,
“Conviction of the powers of goodness, Absence of jealousy and suspicion, Helping all who are trying to be and do good”.
He had strong faith in the youth. To the young his advice was,
"When you are doing any work, Do it as worship, as the highest worship, and devote your whole life to it for the time being".
"Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject as poison”.
His faith in India was unshaken,
He realized that India’s strength lies in spirituality,
He had immense faith in the capability of women. He has this to say,
“Women must be put in a position to solve their own problems in their own way. No one can or ought to do this for them. And our Indian women are as capable of doing it as any in the world”.
In Swamiji’s messages lies the secret of character building and nation building. They are as relevant today as they were in his lifetime. Swamiji laid down the basic guidelines for us to succeed.